On 1 Mar 23, Avigation became the latest in a growing number of companies and organisations (large and small) to sign the Armed Forces Covenant.
The Covenant's twin underlying principles are that: members of the Armed Forces community should face no disadvantage compared with other citizens in the provision of public and commercial services; and, in some cases, special consideration is appropriate, especially for those who have given the most such as the injured or the bereaved.
Avigation Directors, Brent Day and Mark Van Vogt, offered the following:
"Those who know us will know our respective backgrounds and affiliation with the Royal Air Force and its sister UK Services. We have a large network of current serving personnel and veterans with whom we speak regularly - on both personal and professional levels. In those conversations - especially with veterans - we share our experiences and knowledge about our respective transitions from Service life and some of the challenges we faced in securing employment.
Signing the Armed Forces Covenant is more than a public affirmation of how we do business as a company and individuals; like many other companies, being a signatory to the Covenant is a clear indication that Avigation is committed to supporting the UK Armed Forces community.
Can't think why we didn't sign up sooner."
The Covenant supports serving personnel, service leavers, veterans and their families, and is fulfilled by the different groups that have committed to making a difference. For more about the Armed Forces Covenant, visit https://www.armedforcescovenant.gov.uk/
For more about Avigation, why not get in touch with us at info@avigation.co.uk
#AvigationLtd #ArmedForcesCovenant #Veterans #Support